söndag 7 mars 2010

Hidden ceiling

For sometime the spot on the ceiling above my bed had really annoyed me, first because I failed to make out what it was, then because I could not reach it and now because it had annoyed me so that I was on all fours using my legs trying to move the iron bed so I could but a ladder under the spot and go at it on the same level - see what it was made of, I was going to erase it from the face off the - ceiling.

Covered with a mixture of sweat and dust, I put the ladder under the spot, made sure it was steady and climbed with bucket in one had and super rag in the other. Balancing was more difficult than I had anticipated and ceiling fan made my hair wip around my face, but I am NOT going to be defeated.

So, now it is between you and me spotty, and I intend to win, I but some solution on it, let it sit for a while and then soaking the rag in water I carefully dabbed, it seemed to work well at first, then some colour came of and the spot, instead of disappearing grew bigger, I swore under my breath, wiping sweat and hair off my face with the back of my hand, hand on hip I stood eyeing the spot down, maybe I could scare it away?!

That’s when I noticed it, the spot as big as my hand, had a leg in it, a chubby, five toed leg and foot. I sprayed more solutions on, waiting and then dabbed some more, I saw a navel and stomach, as I carried on dabbing more and more came out, a beautiful, mysteriously smiling child, a garland, flowers, base colour was a light baby blue, red and pink flowers and green leafs, it took me most of the day to get half of the ceiling uncovered.

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